Want to play with Android but don't have a device ? Here is the Android Live CD. Of course it won't replace a real device for application development but it is a good solution if you are just curious about the operating system.

Live CD  image of Google Android has been developed that will enable you to try this new operating system in a virtual machine environment such as VirtualBox, or any other computer that could be booted of a CD or a USB stick(not supported right now).

Step 1 – Download the two parts of the Live CD liveandroidv0.3.iso.001  and liveandroidv0.3.iso.002 from the project site.

Step 2 – Combine the two segments into a single one using a specialized application (HJSplit).

Step 3 – Burn it on a cd, ( DvD won’t  work ), insert cd to the cd drive, and reboot the computer/laptop.


Step 3 – Download and install the virtualization software(virtualbox).

Step 3.1 – Create a new virtual machine using the virtualization software

Step 3.2 – Inside the virtualization software, select the virtual drive on which the LiveCD image has been mounted as the boot drive.

Step 3.3 – Start the virtual machine.

For some reason  a warning about 15% battery power left is what you will get first, but dismissing this gets us into the Android environment. Navigating around is done with a combination of using the mouse and some special keys,

arrows = movement in the party

Enter = confirm (as the press trackball on the G1)

Window key(the Windows logo) = home key

Escape key = back (G1 to the arrow keys back)

Key menu (between the right Alt and Ctrl

Alt + F1 = entry into the console

Alt + F7 = input to GUI 


Note that the project is still at a early beta stage so don't expect full feature set (wifi, bluetooth, audio are typically not yet supported).


TrackMania Nations Forever

TrackMania Nations Forever lets you drive at mind-blowing speeds on fun and spectacular tracks in solo and multiplayer modes.

TrackMania Nations Forever offers a new "Forever" version of the Stadium environment, a solid solo mode and 65 brand new, progressively challenging tracks. TrackMania Nations Forever will unite an even larger number of players than the original Nations thanks to its engaging multiplayer modes, innovative online functions and revolutionary interactivity between players.

For TrackMania Nations Forever, Nadeo studio chose to take advantage of the PC's capacities as a gaming, creative and communications platform in order to allow a greater number of players to share a unique gaming experience:


    * A completely free game.
    * A captivating solo mode with 65 brand new tracks.
    * Join millions of players online and compete on thousands of tracks on the TrackMania     servers.
    * One complete TrackMania environment: Stadium "Forever".
    * An in-game editor to create your own tracks, video studio to realize your own movies   and a paint shop to customize your vehicles.
    * Official ladders for solo and multiplayer.
    * Compatible with TrackMania United Forever (profile and multiplayer servers).

System Requirements

          - Supported OS: Windows 2000/XP/XP-x64/Vista/Windows 7
          - Processor: Pentium IV 1.6GHz / AthlonXP 1600 +
          - Graphics: 3D accelerator 16 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card
          - DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c or better
          - Memory: 256 MB (512 MB with Vista/Windows 7)
          - Sound: 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
          - Hard Drive: 750 MB free disk space


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