Copyright and Disclaimers

Posted by Arun Chandran

In technical circles, there is often a need to use examples and demonstrations created by others, be they images, videos or other forms of data. Alongside these technical needs, there is a bureaucratic constraint directly related to copyright, which often hampers the effort. For example, what if you wanted to teach someone about computers, but do not have readily available screen shots of your own? Will you forgo the missing bits? Will you contact the copyright holders? And what if you can't reach them?

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Hardware and software
Some of Our articles will deal with the computers and as such deal with copyrighted material, like hardware or software. If and when specific vendors are mentioned, you should note that we have no association with the vendors and their products or their market rivals, and that we expressing only our personal experience. All rights, brand names, logos, and other items related to discussed hardware, software, or any other existing commercial or patented products are the physical and intellectual properties of their respective inventors, owners, as stated in their respective terms of use policies.
We cannot guarantee the quality of any of the third-party products mentioned in any of Our articles, and as such you will never hold us, under any circumstances, morally, legally or financially responsible for anything bad (or good) that may happen to you by, because of, due to, or through the use of links, products and recommendations on my site.

Furthermore, I cannot guarantee that Our site will not be compromised and such its contents altered, modified or replaced. Therefore, treat all material,especially links and images with caution.Use Our advice at your own discretion. We sincerely believe that all of Our articles will be beneficial in some way, and will be written with the best of interests in mind.

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Last updated: September 2018


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